Advanced Health & Safety Management


Course Description: Health and Safety Management

This comprehensive course in Health and Safety Management offers a deep dive into the why, how, and what of managing workplace health and safety effectively. Designed for professionals aspiring to excel in the field of occupational health and safety, this course covers a wide range of critical topics, from foundational principles to advanced management systems. Here's what you'll learn:

Element 1: Why We Should Manage Workplace Health and Safety Discover the ethical, legal, and financial reasons behind the need for stringent health and safety management. This element covers the moral imperatives, the financial implications of incidents, the regulatory landscape including the pivotal role of the OHS Act 85 of 1993, international standards, and the responsibilities of both employers and employees. Learn about managing contractors and delineating roles and responsibilities within an organization.

Element 2: How Health and Safety Management Systems Work Gain insights into the structure and operation of health and safety management systems, with guidance from the ILO OSH 2001 guidelines and ISO 45001:2018 standards. Explore the creation, implementation, and maintenance of an OHS policy and how to keep the management system current and effective.

Element 3: Managing Risk - Understanding People and Processes This element focuses on the human and processual aspects of risk management. Topics include assessing and improving safety culture, the significance of communication and consultation, the role of health and safety committees, training for competence, and the influence of human factors on safety. Learn the fundamentals of risk assessment, management of change procedures, safe systems of work, permit-to-work systems, and emergency procedures, including first aid requirements in South Africa.

Element 4: Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring Delve into the techniques and practices for monitoring and measuring health and safety performance. Understand active and reactive monitoring, the nuances of investigating incidents, and the principles of health and safety auditing. This element also covers the review of health and safety performance, emphasizing the importance of both internal and external audits, the investigation process, and the significance of learning from both positive and negative events.

  • Element 1 - Why we should manage workplace health and safety
  • 1.1a - Morals & Money
  • Assignment 1a - Introduction to Workplace Safety:
  • 1.1b - Financial Costs of Incidents
  • Assignment 1b - The Cost of Safety Failures:
  • 1.2a - Regulating Health and Safety
  • 1.2b - The Role the OHS Act 85 of 1993
  • 1.2c - International Standards
  • 1.2d - Employers and Employees Responsabilities
  • 1.3a - Roles and Responsibilities
  • 1.3b - Contractor Management
  • 1c - Improving Safety Standards:
  • Element 1 - Test
  • Element 2 - How health and safety management systems work.
  • 2.1a - Health and Safety Management Systems
  • 2.1b - The Guidelines: ILO OSH 2001
  • 2.1c - Introduction to ISO 45001:2018
  • 2.2d - OHS Policy
  • Assignment 2: Policy Development and Implementation
  • 2.3e - Keeping the management system current
  • Assignment 1: Developing an OHS Management System Plan
  • Element 2 - Test
  • Element 3: Managing risk - understanding people and processes
  • 3.1a - Understanding Health and Safety Culture
  • 3.1b - Safety Culture Assessment
  • Element 3.1 Assignment
  • 3.2 - Improving health and safety culture
  • 3.2a - Communication
  • 3.2b - Employee Communication and Consultation
  • Element 3.2a - Assignment
  • 3.2c - Health and Safety Committees
  • Element 3.2 - Survey Questions
  • 3.2d - Training and Competence
  • Element 3.2(a)(b) - Assignment
  • 3.3 - How human factors influence behaviour positively or negatively
  • 3.3a - Understanding Human Factors
  • 3.3b - Organisational Factors in Safety
  • 3.3c - Human Factors and Accidents
  • Element 3.3(a)(c) - Assignment unit
  • 3.4 - Assessing risk
  • 3.4a - Introduction to Risk Assessments
  • 3.4b - Hazard vs Risk
  • 3.4c - Risk Profiling
  • 3.4d - Roles in Risk Profiling
  • 3.4c - Purpose of a Risk Assessment
  • 3.4d - "5 Steps" approach to Risk Assessment
  • 3.4e - Special Case Risk Assessments
  • 3.5 - Management of change (MOC)
  • 3.5a - Introduction to Management of Change
  • 3.5b - What Constitutes a Change?
  • 3.5c - Management of Change Procedure
  • 3.6 - Safe Systems
  • 3.6a - Introduction to Safe Systems of Work (SSOW)
  • 3.6b - The Importance of Workers Involvement
  • 3.6c - Technical, Procedural and Behaviour Risk Controls
  • 3.6d - Developing a safe system of work
  • 3.6e - Implementing a safe system of work
  • 3.7 - Permit-to work systems
  • 3.7a - Meaning of a permit-to-work system
  • 3.7b - Why permit-to-work systems are used
  • 3.7c - How permit-to-work systems work and are used
  • 3.7d - When To Use a Permit-to-Work Systems
  • 3.8 - Emergency procedures
  • 3.8a - Introduction to Emergency Preparedness
  • 3.8b - What to include in an emergency procedure?
  • 3.8c - Dealing with the media
  • 3.8d - Understanding First Aid in the Workplace
  • 3.8e - First Aid at Workplaces in South Africa
  • 3.8f - Training and Testing Emergency Procedures
  • Element 3 - Test
  • Element 4: Health and safety monitoring and measuring
  • 4.1 - Active and reactive monitoring
  • 4.1a - Introduction
  • 4.1b - Understanding the Difference Between Active and Reactive Monitoring
  • 4.1c - Workplace inspections
  • 4.1d - Understanding Reactive Monitoring
  • 4.1e - Why lessons need to be learnt from beneficial and adverse events
  • Element 4.1(d) - Assignment unit
  • 4.1f - Introduction to leading and lagging indicators
  • 4.2 - Investigating incidents
  • 4.2a - Introduction to Incident Investigation
  • 4.2b - Accident and Incident Causation
  • 4.2c - Levels of Investigation
  • 4.2d - Incident Investigation Process
  • 4.2e - Occupational Accident and Disease Reporting
  • 4.2f - Incident Reporting in South Africa
  • Element 4.2(a)(f) - Assignment unit
  • Element 4.2f - Assignment
  • 4.3 - Health and safety auditing
  • 4.3a - Understanding Health and Safety Auditing
  • 4.3b - Types of Audits
  • 4.3c - Internal and External Audits
  • 4.3d - Audit Planning
  • 4.3e - Information Gathering
  • 4.3f - Auditing
  • Element 4.3(a)-(f) - Assignment unit
  • 4.4 - Review of health and safety performance
  • 4.4a - Importance of Health and Safety Performance Reviews
  • 4.4b - The Review Process
  • 4.4c - Health and Safety Performance Reporting
  • Element 4.4(a)(c) - Assignment unit
  • Element 4 - Survey unit
  • Element 4 - Test unit
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed